What is CrossFit?
We train the body how it's designed to move - as a fluid whole unit. Our classes are designed to not only improve your health and fitness NOW but also to help promote a long and healthy life for your future. We coach you HOW to move, not tell you.
We take the guess work out of exercise for you, all you have to do is show up. In our CrossFit class you get:
- Warm up, strength/skill work, workout of the day, cool down all set for you.
- Community family friendly atmosphere.
- Coaching throughout the entire class.
In our classes you will learn a mixture of Body weight movements, Olympic weightlifting, cardiovascular and gymnastic movements. Every class is modified to suit each individuals level and coached by qualified and experienced coaches in our niche of fitness.
We also provide packages for sporting groups (Pre season and off season training) and also Corporate packages for workplace to help build interwork relationships, improve body awareness and reduce the risk of injury.
Enquire with us to find out more!